Erhan Artuc is a Senior Economist in the World Bank's Development Research Group (Trade and International Integration Team). Prior to joining the World Bank in 2011, he was on the faculty of Koc University in Istanbul. He earned a B.A. degree from Bilkent University - Ankara in 2001 and a Ph.D. in economics from University of Virginia in 2006.
His research primarily focuses on international trade policy and its effects on labor markets and jobs. His papers explore distributional effects of trade liberalization, timing of trade policy, regional and sectoral mobility of workers, unemployment, informality, refugees and international migration. He has published in the Journal of International Economics, American Economic Review, Economic Journal, Journal of Development Economics and other leading academic outlets.
Erhan Artuc, Research & Policy Briefs 44, World Bank, Washington, DC, March 2021
This brief focuses on three common misconceptions about international trade and its impact on workers, outlines sources of this confusion, and explains how to interpret the results correctly with an awareness of the severe shortcomings in data and methodology.
Paulo Bastos, Erhan Artuc, Eunhee Lee, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 9628, April 2021
A model calibrated with data from Brazil looks at the welfare effects of exports on workers. Export growth increases the number of job opportunities, improves the quality of employer-employee matches, and contributes significantly to worker welfare.
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