- Afghanistan
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- Congo, Democratic Republic of
- Congo, Republic of
- Costa Rica
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- Dominican Republic
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- Mauritius
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- Nigeria
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- Venezuela, Republica Bolivariana de
- Vietnam
- Yemen, Republic of
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
Business Ready
Business Ready (B-READY) 2024 report assesses the regulatory framework and public services directed at firms, and the efficiency with which regulatory framework and public services are combined in practice.
World Development Report 2024
The Middle-Income Trap. Lower-middle-income countries must go beyond investment-driven strategies—they must also adopt modern technologies and successful business practices from abroad and infuse them across their economies. Upper-middle-income countries need to accelerate the shift to innovation, by pushing the global frontiers of technology.
Turkey: Do job training programs help people find jobs?
The Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund has released a new Evidence to Policy note [pdf] on the impact evaluation of a jobs training program in Turkey. The evaluation, found that the vocational training didn’t improve people’s chances of being employed three years later, despite a small short-term improvement the first year.