The study comprises two volumes on the use of public resources to provide educational services in Brazilian municipalities, by which the policy report (volume 1) presents recommendations, based on the...
Tipo: Public Expenditure ReviewRelatorio#: 24413Data: 1 de janeiro de 2003
The study comprises two volumes on the use of public resources to provide educational services in Brazilian municipalities, by which the policy report (volume 1) presents recommendations, based on the...
Tipo: Public Expenditure ReviewRelatorio#: 24413Data: 1 de janeiro de 2003
The contents of this document are based on a criterion for the prevention of delinquency through the design of the urban environment. This strategy for the prevention of delinquency, known as CPTED (C...
Tipo: Working PaperRelatorio#: 35136Data: 1 de janeiro de 2003
The largest hydrographic basin in the world, the Amazon is the source of 20 percent of all the fresh water on the planet. The Basin covers some 600 million hectares in nine countries, over half of whi...
Tipo: BriefRelatorio#: 26727Data: 1 de janeiro de 2003
With the goal of increasing effectiveness in reducing poverty in all of its forms the World Bank undertakes studies about gender equality. This report is one of several already undertaken in other cou...
Tipo: Working PaperRelatorio#: 33341Data: 1 de janeiro de 2003Autor:
Abreu,Anabela ;
Cardoso, Ruth ;
Chalmers,Geoffrey ;
Cunningham,Wendy ;
De Paiva Abreu, Alice ;
Furtado,Angela C. ;
Garrison,John W. ;
Gross, Daniel ;
Heilborn, Maria Luiza ;
Lavinas, Lena ;
Lobo,Maria Thereza L. ;
Magalhaes,Antonio ;
May,Ernesto ;
Moreira Alves, Branca ;
Nankani,Gobind T. ;
Nyairo,Selpha ;
Parel,Chris ;
Pereira de Mello, Hildete ;
Perry,Guillermo ;
Pitanguy,Jacqueline R. ;
Redwood,John ;
Sabola, Ana Lucia ;
Schumauer, Schuma ;
Sorj, Bila ;
Von Amsberg,Joachim
An estimated 40 million of the 115 million children out of school have disabilities. The vast majority of these children have moderate impairments that are often not visible or easily diagnosed. Disab...
Tipo: BriefRelatorio#: 26602Data: 1 de janeiro de 2003Autor:
Peters,Susan J.
This report, conducted jointly by researchers in Brazil and at the World Bank, aims to address the debate on how the Brazilian labor market functions. It does so not by focusing on labor market functi...
Tipo: Pre-2003 Economic or Sector ReportRelatorio#: 24408Data: 20 de dezembro de 2002
Public primary schooling in Brazil is the responsibility of state and municipal governments and not under the direct jurisdiction of the federal Ministry of Education. As a consequence, when the feder...
Tipo: BriefRelatorio#: 26721Data: 1 de outubro de 2002Autor:
Horn,Robin Scott
This note discusses the emerging issues to which the safeguard system of the World Bank Group must respond, touches on current safeguards-related work undertaken by IFC and MIGA, and makes recommendat...
Tipo: Working PaperRelatorio#: 34955Data: 1 de outubro de 2002
The Northeast region of Brazil has long been the single largest pocket of rural poverty in Latin America. With a combined area of 1.6 million square kilometers-16 percent of Brazil's total-the Northea...
Tipo: BriefRelatorio#: 26722Data: 1 de outubro de 2002Autor:
Luis Coirolo, and Tulio Barbosa
This publication provides guidance to water-sector decision makers and planners on how to deal with the quality dimension of groundwater resources management in the World Bank's client countries. Ther...
Tipo: PublicationRelatorio#: 25071Data: 30 de setembro de 2002Autor:
Foster, Stephen ;
Hirata, Ricardo ;
Gomes, Daniel ;
This is the address to the Board of Governors, delivered by Mr. James D. Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank. It was indicated that the development community has confirmed the Millennium Developme...
Tipo: President's SpeechRelatorio#: 25308Data: 29 de setembro de 2002Autor:
Wolfensohn,James D.
In 1994, the World Bank significantly expanded the information that it makes available to the public. In 2001, after a major review of the information disclosure policy, involving extensive public con...
Tipo: PublicationRelatorio#: 24100Data: 1 de setembro de 2002
In this note, the innovation described is that using regional corridors as planning units to accomplish what planning at the scale of individual parks and buffer zones failed to attain, i.e., the opti...
Tipo: NewsletterRelatorio#: 31225Data: 1 de setembro de 2002
An "extractive reserve" is a model for combining effective natural resource conservation and socio-economic development, based on partnerships between local communities living in the reserve, and publ...
Tipo: NewsletterRelatorio#: 31226Data: 1 de setembro de 2002
Between 1985 and 1998, the national sanitation programme in Mozambique produced more than 230,000 latrine slabs, benefiting more than 1.3 million people in a country that was emerging from decades of ...
Tipo: NewsletterRelatorio#: 26627Data: 30 de agosto de 2002Autor:
Lane,Jon ;
Colin,Jeremy Stephen
Many African water utilities have little capacity, or motivation to invest in services for poor people. They concentrate their financial resources on maintaining the main elements of their infrastruct...
Tipo: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Relatorio#: 26629Data: 30 de agosto de 2002Autor:
Collignon,Bernard ;
There is plenty of written material describing the different options for water services in large cities. There is also a large body of knowledge about community management of (mostly small-scale) wate...
Tipo: Working PaperRelatorio#: 26630Data: 1 de agosto de 2002
Among policymakers and economists, there is a widely held perception that microenterprises1 face severe financing shortages that limit their growth opportunities. Resolving the problems of access to f...
Tipo: BriefRelatorio#: 26716Data: 1 de agosto de 2002Autor:
Susana M. Sanchez, Sophie Sirtaine, and Rita Valente
The note reviews the innovation of fostering participation in the conservation and sustainable development of Brazilian rain forests, including the creation and consolidation of civil society organiza...
Tipo: NewsletterRelatorio#: 31223Data: 1 de agosto de 2002
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