This handbook is part of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper and Disability project funded by a German trust fund. The Christoffel-Blinden mission (CBM) and Handicap International implemented the pro...
Tipo: Working PaperRelatorio#: 123975Data: 1 de janeiro de 2006
The economy of Timor-Leste is divided between a farm sector in which as many of 80 percent of workers remain, with most of these still dependent on subsistence production, and a non-farm sector in whi...
Tipo: Working PaperRelatorio#: 37736Data: 1 de janeiro de 2006Autor:
Conroy,John D.
In 2003, the World Bank launched a global round of the International Comparison Program (ICP), aimed at measuring the purchasing power parities (PPP) and corresponding price and volume levels of Gross...
Tipo: Working PaperRelatorio#: 38494Data: 1 de janeiro de 2006Autor:
Biru,Yonas ;
Camelo, Heber ;
Ducharme, Louis Marc ;
The report provides an overview on the issues regarding "Doing Business in 2006 - Creating Jobs", the third in a series of annual reports investigating business activity, and, looks specifically at re...
Tipo: PublicationRelatorio#: 34551Data: 1 de dezembro de 2005
Non-communicable diseases account for a large and growing share of Brazil's burden of disease. Currently, about 66 percent of the disease burden in Brazil is due to non-communicable diseases, compared...
Tipo: Other Health StudyRelatorio#: 32576Data: 15 de novembro de 2005
This report discusses the remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank. He discusses that the call to end poverty reaches across generations, continents, and nationalities. It span...
Tipo: President's SpeechRelatorio#: 101313Data: 24 de setembro de 2005Autor:
Doing Business 2006, the third report in the series, found that Eastern European nations were aggressively courting entrepreneurs with far-reaching reforms to streamline business regulations and taxes...
Tipo: PublicationRelatorio#: 34550Data: 13 de setembro de 2005
Retrenchment may sometimes be a necessary part of securing future employment for large sections of the workforce. However, the key to a good outcome lies in developing and implementing a retrenchment...
Tipo: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Relatorio#: 33659Data: 1 de agosto de 2005Autor:
Gobbons, Steve ;
Sequeira,Debra Tina
Many microfinance institutions (MFIs) in developing and transition economies have received foreign funding, especially the larger MFIs, and, in recent years, bilateral and multilateral donors have pro...
Tipo: BriefRelatorio#: 34127Data: 1 de agosto de 2005Autor:
Ivatury,Gautam J. ;
Abrams,Julie Barnett
This edition of Agua Series Brazil presents an analysis on projects of water transference between hydrographic basins. Projects implemented in Brazil and in diverse parts of the world are discussed, a...
Tipo: PublicationRelatorio#: 41609Data: 1 de julho de 2005Autor:
Azevedo, Luiz Gabriel Todt ;
Porto,Rubem La Laina ;
Mello Junior,Arisvaldo Vieira ;
Garrido,Juliana Menezes ;
Arrobas,Daniele La Porta ;
Norona, Luiz Correa ;
Pena Pereira Weiss,Lilian
This Annual Report records the achievements of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency during fiscal year 2005. MIGA's investment insurance, dispute mediation services, and technical assistance g...
Tipo: World Bank Annual ReportRelatorio#: 34446Data: 30 de junho de 2005
This World Bank Annual Report highlights the focus of the Bank activities in addressing worldwide poverty, describing the Bank work in promoting sustainable, economic growth, and in channeling needed ...
Tipo: World Bank Annual ReportRelatorio#: 32403Data: 30 de junho de 2005Autor:
Gagnet, Cathy [editor]
Timor-Leste, the world's newest nation, was created out of ashes, yet, given that the country started from scratch, both physically and institutionally, Timor-Leste has done remarkably well. Major ste...
Tipo: Country Assistance Strategy DocumentRelatorio#: 32700Data: 22 de junho de 2005
This report provides an assessment of accounting, financial reporting, and auditing practices within the corporate sector in Brazil, using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Intern...
Tipo: Accounting and Auditing Assessment (ROSC)Relatorio#: 46528Data: 20 de junho de 2005
This book examines issues related to reducing inequality in Brazil. As the volume's editors assert with authority, the current national political climate in Brazil provides an unprecedented space for ...
Tipo: PublicationRelatorio#: 42486Data: 1 de junho de 2005Autor:
Gacitua Mario, Estanislao (editor) ;
Woolcock, Michael (editor)
The public financial management (PFM) performance measurement framework is an integrated monitoring framework that allows measurement of country PFM performance over time. The information provided by ...
Tipo: Working PaperRelatorio#: 48963Data: 1 de junho de 2005
While targeting can effectively channel resources to the poor, implementation details matter tremendously to distributive outcomes. This report conducts an in-depth assessment of key design and implem...
Tipo: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Relatorio#: 32756Data: 1 de junho de 2005Autor:
Leroy De La Briere,Benedicte ;
Castaneda,Tarsicio ;
Fernandez Delgado,Luisa Patricia ;
Hubert, Celia ;
Larranaya, Oswaldo ;
Lindert,Kathy A. ;
Orozco Corona,Monica Elizabeth ;
Viquez Salazar,Roxana M.
This report presents 8 examples of evaluations that had a significant impact. In many cases it was possible to compare the costs of conducting the evaluation with the economic benefits produced and to...
Tipo: Working PaperRelatorio#: 32879Data: 28 de abril de 2005
Contents: Development compatible with protection (Interview with Vinod Thomas). In focus: RFU partners develop projects aimed at sustainability. Development: Brazilian program wins award; Conference d...
Tipo: NewsletterRelatorio#: 33336Data: 1 de abril de 2005
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