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World Bank Land Conference 2025: Securing Land Tenure and Access for Climate Action

May 5-8, 2025

Washington, DC

World Bank Land Conference 2025

The World Bank Land Conference has catalyzed the global land community for over 20 years. 

The Conference is the premier global forum for the land sector, bringing together over 1,000 participants from governments, development partners, civil society, academia, and the private sector to showcase policy-relevant research, discuss technical issues and sector good practice, and inform our dialogue. The Conference also aims to encourage cross-sectoral knowledge exchange and has incubated numerous investments, initiatives, and research projects led by diverse stakeholders, including the Voluntary Guidelines, the Land Governance Assessment Framework, and the Stand for Her Land Campaign.

The 2025 World Bank Land Conference will be held from May 5–8, 2025 in Washington, DC. To submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) to Attend and Session and Research Paper Proposals, please visit our Event Platform, accessible via the button in the upper right corner.

  • The theme of the 2025 World Bank Land Conference is "Securing Land Tenure and Access for Climate Action: Moving from Awareness to Action."

    Improving land governance and securing property rights are becoming increasingly crucial as the global development community seeks to address climate change and reverse the erosion of economic growth, poverty reduction, and human development since 2020. The importance of securing tenure to achieve climate action has been recognized in several major international climate-related initiatives, including the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use (2021) and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. And the global community has begun to scale up financing to strengthen land administration and secure land rights to advance climate adaptation and mitigation, especially for Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

    Building on the momentum from the 2024 Land Conference, which highlighted the land sector’s relevance to climate change, the 2025 World Bank Land Conference therefore aims to move from awareness to action by highlighting effective strategies for securing land tenure and access and to scale up land sector initiatives, investments, and policy reforms in support of climate change mitigation and adaption.

    Sponsors - 2025 Land Conference

  • The World Bank Land Conference 2025 will be held from May 5–8, 2025 at World Bank Headquarters in Washington, DC.

    The Conference will include a range of events organized by the World Bank, development partners, civil society, and other partners, including high-level plenary sessions, thematic sessions, research sessions, regional operational workshops, global land initiatives, and an innovation expo in the World Bank Atrium and online. 

    • Plenary Sessions: These sessions will feature high-level external and internal speakers to motivate multistakeholder and multisectoral global action in the land sector and highlight key lessons and evidence. 
    • Thematic Sessions: These 90-minute parallel sessions will highlight operational innovations related to the annual theme. They aim to share cross-country best practice and facilitate knowledge sharing on the annual theme. 
    • Global Land Initiative Sessions: These 90-minute parallel sessions will facilitate key global partnership or policy initiatives in the land sector (e.g. Stand for Her Land Campaign). They aim to catalyze multistakeholder initiatives and policies to advance the global land agenda.
    • Land Administration Best Practice Sessions: These 90-minute parallel sessions will highlight sector best practice. They aim to share cross-country best practice and facilitate knowledge sharing on technical issues falling outside the annual theme and to strengthen the sector operational evidence base. 
    • Regional Operational Workshops: These workshops will consist of 2-3 sessions per region and will provide a forum to discuss key technical/land issues and innovations in the region, highlight operational lessons learned from governments and their partners, and discuss outstanding policy reforms and technical issues. They will support in-depth South-South operational knowledge exchange and technical learning across the World Bank, governments, and partners.
    • Research Sessions: These sessions will feature presentations and technical discussion of innovative research papers on land-related policies and land governance on the annual theme and aim to strengthen the evidence base for policymaking. They will be devoted to presenting rigorous research methods in a seminar-type setting to allow academic debate.

    Last Updated: Aug 27, 2024

  • The 2025 annual theme cuts across multiple sectors (including agriculture, forestry, urban development, disaster risk management, transport, and energy) and geographies (including urban and rural). The thematic and research sessions aim to highlight all aspects of land and climate, organized broadly into four interrelated subthemes:

    1. Securing Tenure for Sustainability: This track will highlight how to secure rural land tenure and strengthen rural land administration to achieve resilience, food security, traceability, sustainable value chains, climate smart agriculture, and reduced deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), including proven strategies for securing individual and group rights to rural lands and policy and institutional reforms to address the often overlapping land administration mandates of ministries of forestry/environment/land, cadastral agencies, and sector agencies (e.g. mining, coastal, marine).
    2. Land Technologies for Green Growth: This track will feature innovative technologies and tools for leveraging land in support of green growth, such as mass land valuation, multi-purpose and 3D cadastres, digital land information systems, land value capture, land readjustment, and national spatial data infrastructure.
    3. Land Administration for Climate Action and Disaster Resilience: This track will feature effective strategies for governing land access for climate-resilient transportation and renewable energy investments (including critical minerals extraction) in support of a Just Energy Transition.  It will also highlight policies and interventions to strengthen land administration in support of improved climate change resilience and disaster risk management.
    4. Land Administration Amid Rapid Urbanization: This track will feature innovative approaches for better managing urban land administration to secure public and private land rights, including for low-income residents, and to improve urban development outcomes, including to related to density, planning, serviced settlements, rights of way for infrastructure and services, and green space.


  • DATE: May 5–8, 2025
  • VENUE: 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433
  • SPONSORSHIP & BOOTH EXHIBITION: Contact Land Conference Team
Event Platform


Liam Brown
Communications Consultant