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2017年4月16日、ワシントン – 世界銀行は本日、「南アジア経済報告(South Asia Economic Focus)」の最新版を発表し、先進国で保護主義的な動きが広がることがあっても、同地域の輸出主導の成長が妨げられるどころか、グローバル化に対するこうした反動から逆に恩恵がもたらされるだろう、と指摘する。同報告はまた、同地域がなおも世界で最も急成長を遂げており、次に続く東アジア地域との差も徐々に広がっていると指摘する。南アジア地域全体の成長率は、2016年の6.7%から2017年は6.8%、2018年は7.1%になると見込まれる。








Note: est = estimated, f = forecast

Afghanistan’s economic recovery has been slow, as insecurity continues to curtail private investment and consumer demand. Growth is projected to accelerate slightly from 1.2 percent in 2016 to 2.4 percent in 2017. However, with population growth of nearly 3 percent, such level of economic growth implies a decline in per capita income. Sustained economy growth in the long run in Afghanistan requires a structural transformation of the economy that could be realized through greater human capital investments, improved agriculture productivity and development of the country’s extractives resources.

The economy in Bangladesh has weathered global uncertainties well aided by strengthening investment and a recovery of exports. Growth will be sustained at 6.8 percent in 2017, compared with the officially reported 7.1 percent in 2016 and with a decelerating inflation rate and a budget deficit that has narrowed. Infrastructure gaps and inadequate energy supply, combined with the high cost of doing business, remain the main obstacles to the realization of Bangladesh’s growth potential.

Economic activity in Bhutan has kept growth strong with the economy expected to grow at 6.8 percent once again in 2017. Hydropower projects, supportive fiscal and monetary policy coupled with low inflation, a stable exchange rate and accumulating international reserves have contributed to growth and poverty reduction. However, risks are emerging including possible delays in hydropower constructions and growth deceleration in India. With continued stable growth, poverty is expected to be reduced in a steady manner.

India’s economic momentum is expected to pick up speed from 6.8 percent in 2016 to 7.2 percent by 2018 after a modest setback due to weaker than expected investments and the effects of the withdrawal of large denomination bank notes. Timely and smooth implementation of the GST could prove to a significant benefit to economic activity However, India faces the challenge of further accelerating the responsiveness of poverty reduction to growth.

In Maldives, GDP growth rebounded to an estimated 4.1 percent in 2016 and is expected to grow at 4.5 percent in 2017 through substantial investments and construction activity. It is important that Maldives preserves its tax base and efficient tax system, as it prepares to develop Special Economic Zones offering tax concessions. There are opportunities for the country to promote economic activities in line with the aspirations of Maldivian youth and provide employment, improve the quality of public services such as health and education, and make the country more resilient to climate change.

Nepal is seeing a broad economic recovery after a number of setbacks including the earthquakes of 2015. Its economic activity is recovering with growth expected to rebound to 6.0 percent in 2017 on the back of increased agriculture output, increased availability of electricity, and greater investment as the earthquake reconstruction gathers speed, compared 0.6 percent growth in 2016.

In Pakistan, economic activity expanded by 4.7 percent in 2016 and is expected to continue to grow at 5.2 percent in 2017 with growth prospects continuing to improve and inflation remaining contained. The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects have supported construction activity, which is expected to stimulate industrial sector growth. These projects should help accelerating growth in the domestic construction industry and increase electricity generation. Sustainable and inclusive growth and poverty reduction, will require greater private sector investment and the longer term development of infrastructure.

Sri Lanka’s economic growth is projected to grow at 4.7 percent in 2017, up from 4.4 percent 2016 which reflecting significant contributions from construction, trade, and financial services as well the as negative impacts of floods and droughts. Recent policy measures supporting fiscal consolidation and monetary tightening has contributed to an improved outlook. It is critical for Sri Lanka to expedite structural reforms to promote competitiveness and governance, and continue on fiscal consolidation in order to ensure sustained growth and development.

Joe Qian
電話: +1-202-473-5633
平井 智子
電話: +81 (3) 3597-6650


