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「これは、極度の貧困撲滅に向けた画期的な第一歩である。」と、ジム・ヨン・キム世界銀行グループ総裁は述べた。 「パートナーの皆様によるコミットメントは、民間セクターの投資促進をもたらすクラウドイン効果と資本市場からの資金調達という革新的手法と共に、最貧国の開発の歩みを大きく変えるだろう。我々は、成果をもたらす可能性を秘めたIDAの能力に信頼を寄せていただいたパートナーの皆様に深く感謝している。」



「今回の革新的な支援パッケージにより世界の最貧国と最脆弱国は、成長や人々のための機会創出に必要な援助を受けられると共に、ショックや危機に対する強靭性の改善に注力することができる」と、IDA第18次増資交渉の共同議長を務めるカイル・ピーターズ世界銀行グループ専務理事代行は述べた。 「気候変動、ジェンダー平等、紛争・暴力防止といったIDAの重点課題は、世界各地の安定向上と発展にも貢献する。」 


·         最大4億万人への基礎的保健・栄養サービス

·         最大4,500万人に対するより整備された水源へのアクセス

·         400~600万人への金融サービス

·         最大1,100万件に上る熟練した医療従事者による安全な出産

·         3億人を上回る子供たちに恩恵をもたらす教師900~1,000万人の研修

·         子供の予防接種1億3,000~1億8,000万人

·         30カ国における統計能力の改善によるガバナンス向上

·         再生可能エネルギーによる発電5ギガワット追加

「IDAは、開発の世界に新たな章を打ち立てようとしている」と、IDA18の共同議長を務めるトーゴのエコエ元開発大臣は述べた。 「ドナー国と援助受入国の政府との緊密な協力により、最貧国に希望を与える、革新的かつ野心的で対応の迅速な支援パッケージが打ち出されつつある。こうした支援は、IDAの融資適格国に住む何十億もの人々の生活向上に役立つだろう。」


「この革新的な資金パッケージにより、IDAは、ドナーからの拠出1ドル当たりにつき約3ドルという大きな価値を生み出すことができる」と、世界銀行のアクセル・ヴァン・トロッツェンバーグ開発金融担当副総裁は述べた。 「これは、2030年の持続可能な開発目標の達成に必要な資金の拡大を目指すアディスアベバ行動目標に沿った、これまでで最も具体的かつ有意義な提案と言えよう。」





「IDAの大きな特徴の一つとして、最も貧しい人々を助けるために様々な国が団結する事が挙げられる。 特に今回の増資を通じて、IDAが真のグローバルな同盟である事が改めて確認された。」と、ヴァン・トロッツェンバーグ副総裁は述べた。



*1960年に設立された世界銀行の国際開発協会(IDA)は、経済成長、貧困削減、貧しい人々の生活向上に資するプロジェクトやプログラムに対し贈与や無利子、又は低利子の融資を提供することで、世界の最貧国を支援している。 IDAは、特定の課題に使途を制限しないため、平等性、経済成長、雇用創出、所得向上、生活水準改善への道を切り開く広範な開発活動を支援できる。その業務の一例として、初等教育、基礎的保健サービス、清潔な水・衛生、農業、事業環境の整備、インフラ、組織・制度の改革などが含まれる。IDAは、国際機関、各国の省庁、シンクタンク、事業とアドボカシー活動を行う市民社会組織(CSOs)、民間セクター、財団など国レベル、国際レベルで幅広い組織・団体をパートナーとしている。最貧国を支援する世界最大の資金源の一つであるIDAは、設立以来、世界112カ国に対し、計5千億ドル (2015年の実質価値)の投資を行ってきた。過去3年間の年間平均コミットメント額は約190億ドル(うち約50%はアフリカ向け)に上る。


Global Community Makes Record $75 Billion Commitment to End Extreme Poverty

Targets fragility, refugees, climate change and other pressing challenges

YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA, December 15, 2016— A coalition of more than 60 donor and borrower governments agreed today to ratchet up the fight against extreme poverty with a record $75 billion commitment for the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s fund for the poorest countries.

This is a pivotal step in the movement to end extreme poverty,” World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim saidThe commitments made by our partners, combined with IDA’s innovations to crowd in the private sector and raise funds from capital markets, will transform the development trajectory of the world’s poorest countries. We are grateful for our partners’ trust in IDA’s ability to deliver results.”

“We are grateful to Japan for their steadfast leadership in creating a safer world through better preparedness, prevention, and response to a broad range of crises, including pandemics," World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim said. "We also deeply appreciate Japan's commitment to improving disaster risk management and for their generous support of the International Development Association, the World Bank Group's fund for the poorest."

The funding will enable IDA to dramatically scale up development interventions to tackle conflict, fragility and violence, forced displacement, climate change, and gender inequality; and promote governance and institution building, as well as jobs and economic transformation—areas of special focus over the next three years. These efforts are underpinned by an overarching commitment to invest in growth, resilience and opportunity.

“With this innovative package, the world’s poorest countries – especially the most fragile and vulnerable – will get the support they need to grow, create opportunities for people, and make themselves more resilient to shocks and crises,” said Kyle Peters, World Bank Group Interim Managing Director and Co-Chair of the IDA18 negotiations. “IDA’s focus on issues like climate change, gender equality and preventing conflict and violence will also contribute to greater stability and progress around the world." 

Financing during the IDA18 replenishment period, which runs from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2020, is expected to support:

·         Essential health and nutrition services for up to 400 million people

·         Access to improved water sources for up to 45 million people

·         Financial services for 4-6 million people

·         Safe childbirth for up to 11 million women through provision of skilled health personnel

·         Training for 9-10 million teachers to benefit 300+ million children

·         Immunizations for 130-180 million children

·         Better governance in 30 countries through improved statistical capacity

·         An additional 5 GW of renewable energy generation capacity

“IDA is writing a whole new chapter in the story of development,” said Dede Ekoue, IDA18 co-chair and Togo’s former Minister of Development. “Together with donors, working hand-in-hand with borrower governments, we are putting forward an innovative, ambitious and responsive package of support that gives hope to the poorest. These interventions will help transform the lives of billions of people living in IDA countries.”

To finance this groundbreaking package, IDA is proposing the most radical transformation in its 56-year history. For the first time, IDA is seeking to leverage its equity by blending donor contributions with internal resources and funds raised through debt markets. By blending concessional contributions from donors with its own resources and capital market debt, IDA will significantly increase the financial support it provides to clients.

“The innovative financing package offers exceptional value for money, with every $1 in partner contributions generating about $3 in spending authority,” said Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Vice President for Development Finance. “It is one of the most concrete and significant proposals to date on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda—critical to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.”

The additional financing will enable IDA to double the resources to address fragility, conflict and violence (more than $14 billion), as well as the root causes of these risks before they escalate, and additional financing for refugees and their host communities ($2 billion). Increased financing will help strengthen IDA’s support for crisis preparedness and response, pandemic preparedness, disaster risk management, small states and regional integration.

Efforts to stimulate private sector development in the most difficult environments, at the core of job creation and economic transformation, will receive a major push in the form of a new $2.5 billion Private Sector Window (PSW). The PSW, being introduced together with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), will help mobilize private capital and scale up private sector development in the poorest countries, particularly in fragile situations.

The funds will also help governments strengthen institutions, mobilize resources needed to deliver services, and promote accountability.

A total of 48 countries pledged resources to IDA; additional countries are expected to pledge in the near-term. The World Bank Group is continuing the tradition of contributing its own resources to IDA. 

“One of the extraordinary things about IDA is that it brings different countries together to help the poorest. In this replenishment in particular, we’ve really seen that IDA is truly a global coalition,” said van Trotsenburg.

A total of 75 low-income countries are eligible to benefit from the IDA18 financing package.


* The World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA), established in 1960, helps the world’s poorest countries by providing grants and low- to zero-interest loans for projects and programs that boost economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve poor people’s lives. IDA is a multi-issue institution, supporting a range of development activities that pave the way toward equality, economic growth, job creation, higher incomes, and better living conditions. IDA's work covers, for example, primary education, basic health services, clean water and sanitation, agriculture, business climate improvements, infrastructure, and institutional reforms. IDA partners with a broad range of entities, including multilateral organizations, ministries, think tanks, operational and advocacy CSOs, the private sector, foundations, and others, at the country and global level. IDA is one of the largest sources of assistance for the world’s poorest countries. Since its inception, IDA has provided half a trillion dollars (in constant 2015 prices) for investments in 112 countries. Annual commitments have averaged about $19 billion over the last three years, with about 50 percent going to Africa.



Angela Gentile
電話: +1 (202) 621-4955
David Theis
電話: +1 (202) 458-8626
平井 智子
電話: (81-3) 3597-6650,


