ワシントン、2015年9月25日 - 国際開発金融機関(MDBs)と国際通貨基金(IMF)は、ポスト2015年の持続可能な開発アジェンダが本日採択されたことを歓迎し、目標達成に向けて支援の強化に総力を結集すると表明した。
Akinwumi Adesina, President, AfDB アキンウミ・アデシナ アフリカ開発銀行(AfDB)総裁
"The African Development Bank is fully committed to the successful implementation of the SDGs.
We will work with our member countries, the private sector, civil society and other partners to deliver on the SDGs for Africa.The SDGs must work -and they must work for Africa."
Takehiko Nakao, President, ADB 中尾武彦アジア開発銀行(ADB)総裁
"We are committed to supporting the 2030 agenda and helping our member countries in achieving these ambitious new goals in Asia and the Pacific. We will increase our support for inclusive and sustainable development by up to 50% from 2017 to around $20 billion a year. By 2020, ADB will double its climate financing to $6 billion a year, about 30% of its overall financing. We will also increase cofinancing with other development partners, catalyze private sector investment, and help mobilize greater domestic resources.''
Sir Suma Chakrabarti, President, EBRD スマ・チャクラバルティ欧州復興開発銀行(EBRD)総裁
"The new goals overlap with core areas of the EBRD’s operations and with its strategic priorities.As a development bank specialised in working with the private sector, the EBRD is well placed to support the delivery of an agenda in which private firms will play a key role."
Werner Hoyer, President, EIB ヴェルナー・ホイヤー欧州投資銀行(EIB)総裁
"The adoption of the SDGs shows our collective determination to safeguard the future of our planet.At the EIB we stand ready to work with our peers, other public authorities, and the private sector, and put our finance and expertise at work to support the implementation of the new goals."
Luis Alberto Moreno, President, IDB ルイス・アルベルト・モレノ米州開発銀行(IDB)総裁
“The Sustainable Development Goals are ambitious, but the citizens of our countries expect no less than our full commitment to end poverty, promote sustainable and equitable economic development, and protect the environment.The IDB pledges to work closely with governments and with the private sector throughout Latin America and the Caribbean to ensure a prosperous future for all."
Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, IMF クリスティーヌ・ラガルド国際通貨基金(IMF)専務理事
"The SDGs are ambitious, but achievable with determined implementation.We all have a responsibility to achieve these goals, at the country level and through our collective action at the global level.The IMF, with its 188 member countries, will play its part."
Jim Yong Kim, President, World Bank Group ジム・ヨン・キム世界銀行グループ総裁
"The international community showed wisdom and courage fifteen years ago in adopting the Millennium Declaration, which set out eight ambitious goals to improve the lives of billions and bring the world together in closer cooperation and partnership. We cut poverty in half five years earlier than the declaration’s deadline, so I am confident we can achieve the great aspirations of these new global goals – particularly the first, which is to erase the scourge of extreme poverty from our planet by 2030. We can, and must, end this terrible blot on our collective conscience."
Joel Kibazo, j.kibazo@afdb.org, +225 01 22 98 98
Harumi Kodama, hkodama@adb.org, +63 908 888 6701
Richard Willis, willis@eib.org, +352 437982155
Anthony Williams, williama@ebrd.com, +44 7841181878
Paul R. Constance, paulc@iadb.org, +1 202-623-2572
Andrew Kanyegirire, akanyegirire@imf.org, +1 202-623-9869
ワシントン: David Theis, dtheis@worldbankgroup.org, +1 202-458-8626
東京: 平井智子(81-3) 3597-6650, thirai@worldbankgroup.org