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Afghanistan Provincial Briefs 2016


December 06, 2016— This third edition of the Provincial Briefs provides a comprehensive profile of the most recent progress on socio-economic outcomes in Afghanistan, both at the national and at the provincial level. The Briefs use information available in the three latest rounds of the Afghanistan Living Conditions Survey (ALCS) (formerly, National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment), conducted in 2013-14, 2011-12 and 2007-08 by the Central Statistics Organization (CSO).

The indicators compiled in the Provincial Briefs span several dimensions of wellbeing, including poverty and inequality, food security, labor market outcomes, sectoral distribution of employment, education, gender, health and access to services and infrastructure. For each of the indicators, the report provides information on both the temporal evolution and the spatial distribution of the outcome of interest over the six year time period between 2007-08 and 2013-14 across Afghanistan’s 34 provinces.

Together with the online data tool, the Provincial Briefs report provides a rigorous evidence base for policy formulation and for promoting a more equal socio-economic development across Afghanistan’s provinces.

چندرسانه ای


Kabul Office
Raouf Zia
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