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World Bank and Parliamentarians

Parliamentary Podcast Series: Partnering for Good

The Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and IMF has launched the Partnering for Global Impact podcast series to foster dialogue and partnership building with parliamentarians worldwide. Listeners can access the episodes on platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and Amazon Music. The initiative is supported by the Global Parliamentary Engagement Teams of the World Bank and IMF.

Latest Episodes:

Episode 1: The World Bank Evolution: Mobilizing Action to Address Global Challenges

Episode 2: Promoting Accountability in Development

Episode 3: World Bank Gender Strategy 2024-2030: Accelerate Gender Equality for a Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Future

Episode 4: March 26, 2024 - Small Islands, Big Challenges: Parliamentary Action on Climate Change

Episode 5 – April 15, 2024 - A New Dawn: How IDA is Transforming Lives

Episode 6 (2024 Global Parliamentary Forum). Townhall with the World Bank President and IMF Managing Director

Episode 7 (Global Parliamentary Forum). Opportunities and Challenges of AI: A Call for Global Legislative Governance

Episode 8 (Global Parliamentary Forum). Accelerating Climate Solutions in a Fragile World

Episode 9 (2024 Parliamentary Forum). Debt and Growth

Episode 10 (2024 Global Parliamentary Forum). Enhancing Accountability and Governance for Better Development Results

Episode 11 (2024 Global Parliamentary Forum). Championing Equality: Empowering MPs to Implement Effective Gender Strategies

Episode 12 (2024 Global Parliamentary Forum): Global Young MP Initiative Discussion: Pathways to Boosting Green Jobs

Episode 13. Accountability in Action: Parliamentarians and CSOs Driving Development