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In South Asia, only 1 in 3 women are in the workforce, compared to 3 out of 4 men. Millions of women are not getting the chance to realize their potential—to work, earn an income, and contribute to their families, communities and economy. Even when they work, women often earn less than men and hold jobs without benefits and protections.

We call on all stakeholders to #ClearHerPath so that more women can thrive in the workforce.


World Bank Live: International Women’s Day 2025: A Spotlight on India

International Women’s Day 2025: A Spotlight on India March 8, 2025 11:00 a.m. IST / 5:30 GMT


More and better jobs: Unlocking the potential of South Asia’s women

Over the past two decades, women in South Asia have made remarkable strides in education, seen a decline in maternal mortality, and gained greater access to mobile technology. But in one critical area progress for women in the region remains lackluster: access to quality jobs and economic opportunities.


Improving mobility and jobs for women: The case of Karachi

Samaria Khan is a Pakistani mother living in Hyderabad. She wakes up at 4:00 am and has a six hour daily commute to Karachi to participate in the First Women Driver Program for Public Transport.


South Asia Development Update October 2024

South Asia’s growth is on track to exceed earlier expectations, in a broad-based upturn. The region is expected to remain the fastest-growing among emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs).


Clearing the Path for Women to Work Can Bring Prosperity to South Asia

Across South Asia, success stories of working women abound. Yet, alongside these stories, lies a persistent and confounding statistic: South Asia has one of the lowest female labor force participation rates in the world. Only 32 percent of working-age women.

Meet the women who are blazing a trail in South Asia’s workforce

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South Asia Gender Innovation Lab

Since 2015, the Gender Innovation Lab has produced cutting-edge research on female labor force participation and gender-based violence. Starting in 2019, we are expanding our impact evaluation portfolio and directing efforts to turn evidence into action.

YT-BBinSL A woman's Journey to the top

Talking Development: Kasturi Wilson

World Bank Managing Director Anna Bjerde talks to Kasturi Wilson, first woman CEO of Hemas Holdings PLC in Sri Lanka, about how closing the gender gap can contribute to economic growth.

Women in SAR textile

Report: Reshaping Social Norms About Gender

To reshape its economy, South Asia must take action to challenge existing gender norms and give women more economic opportunities.

women in school

Engendering Access to STEM Education and Careers in South Asia

Investments in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) can accelerate development in South Asia—especially if they foster opportunities for women.


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