Stories from around the world that showcase countries and communities delivering transformative initiatives that drive our mission toward a more livable planet – with cleaner air, water, enough food and greater resilience - and are proven, replicable and scalable.
Learn how the World Bank is helping end poverty on a livable planet
Feb 18, 2025
A New Food Economy, Rooted in Progress
The world is grappling with a multifaceted food crisis that is denying millions access to healthy diets and fulfilling lives. But the crisis also presents a unique opportunity to transform an unsustainable food economy.
Oct 31, 2024
Resilient Communities, Stronger Economies
Adaptation is a game changer. It can make people and the planet more resilient to the accelerating impacts of a rapidly warming planet. As the new normal, adaptation is a reality and a necessity.
Sep 05, 2024
Clean Air, Blue Skies
Clean air allows people, economies, and our environment to thrive. It means healthier communities and a healthier climate. Good air quality is fundamental to promoting a livable, breathable planet for future generations.
Jun 04, 2024
Climate-Resilient Irrigation
More—and better managed—climate-resilient irrigation will help feed the planet with available water, strengthen livelihoods, grow economies and create jobs, reduce GHG emissions, and build resilience to climate shocks.
Mar 19, 2024
Forests for Us
Forests play an important role in lifting communities out of poverty and ensuring a livable planet. They are game changers for people, climate, and nature.
Dec 01, 2023
Carbon Markets
Carbon markets have to be trustworthy, transparent, result in real climate mitigation and bring tangible benefits, especially for developing countries, if they are to make a real difference.
Nov 14, 2023
Adaptation to Climate Shocks
Climate change is indiscriminate, devastating communities rich and poor, but the poorest people are hit hardest. Countries need to act to protect people and help them prepare for a riskier world.
Oct 16, 2023
Urban Transport
Discover how sustainable transport can be game changer. All urban transport investments, whether large or small, are crucial to make urban living healthier, safer, more inclusive – and much less carbon intensive.
Sep 26, 2023
The Solar Story
Solar’s moment has been decades in the making, but today solar is seen as an essential tool to both to close the energy gap and decarbonize. Discover how the World Bank’s support over 25 years has been instrumental.
Transforming Lives Through Climate-Resilient Irrigation
With the planet’s population expected to skyrocket by 2050, dramatically increasing the demand for food, embracing sustainable irrigation practices is urgent as never before.
Forests for Us
Forests for People, Nature, and Climate
Forests are a game changer for ending poverty and ensuring a livable planet. They sequester carbon, clean the air we breathe, enrich the soil for farmers to grow crops, create jobs locally, and drive industries globally.
Carbon Markets
Building Transparent and Inclusive Carbon Markets in Costa Rica
See how the World Bank is working with indigenous peoples, local communities, and governments to build greater integrity and trust in carbon markets.
Urban Transport
Sustainable Urban Transport Can Be a Game Changer
Your commute to work, the family gathering, the food on your table, and the goods you buy – all rely on transport and our lives are unthinkable without it. But transport also represents a growing threat to our planet.