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Urgent action is needed to curb plastic waste that pollutes the land, flows into rivers, and ends up in oceans. It is killing wildlife, damaging ecosystems, clogging drainage systems, and harming fisheries and tourism which are key sources of the jobs on which the people and economies of South Asia depend.

The eight countries of South Asia are joined in a common cause to turn the tide on marine plastics. Together they are working to #BeatPlasticPollution.


BLOG: ‘Plastic roads’ made from waste: A path worth paving for South Asia?

As the world scrambles to find innovative solutions to the plastics waste conundrum, a road less traveled is the use of non-recyclable plastic waste in paved roads. A new World Bank report examines more.

BLOG: 6 reasons to blame plastic pollution for climate change

The contribution of plastic waste and the plastics industry to climate change is often less known or worse, disregarded. Here are six facts linking the plastic lifecycle to climate change.

PRESS RELEASE: Sustainable Plastic Management is key to achieve Green Growth ...

Sustainable management of plastic is crucial for Bangladesh to ensure green growth. A new report provides a blueprint for managing plastic pollution over the short term and long-term.

BLOG: Unmasking the pandemic’s impact on plastics waste management across ...

SouthAsia is one of the largest sources of plastics waste globally. COVID19 induced lifestyle changes will make plastic pollution even worse unless urgent action is taken.

BLOG: South Asia unites to double down on marine plastics pollution

Plastics pollution is a complex, transboundary issue. By working together, South Asian nations can create a sea change to #BeatPlasticPollution.

BLOG: A healthy Indian Ocean feeds, protects, and connects all South Asians

The Indian Ocean offers tremendous opportunities and some challenges for the island, coastal, and inland nations of South Asia and beyond.

WORLD BANK LIVE: Turning the Tide on Marine Plastics in South Asia

#OneSouthAsia conversation on marine plastic pollution as a critical and urgent development issue that impacts over two billion people in South Asia.

World Bank Contest Brings Creative Solutions to Combat Plastic Pollution in ...

Winning teams of the Plastic Circularity Innovation Challenge seeking innovative solutions to combat plastic pollution in Bangladesh.

BLOG: 5 reasons why South Asia is coming together to beat marine plastic ...

South Asia’s transboundary rivers act as highways for plastic pollution to flow from mountains to the ocean, joining South Asia’s mountain economies and ocean economies together in a common cause.

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BLOG: South Asia can turn the tide on oceans plastics pollution

A challenge as massive as marine plastic pollution requires action by policymakers, start-ups, social entrepreneurs and individuals. Together we can turn the tide!


PRESS RELEASE: South Asia Ramps up Eco-Innovation to Curb Marine Plastic Pollution

The World Bank, Parley for the Oceans and SACEP launch the first-ever regional project to tackle marine plastic pollution


VIDEO: World Bank x Parley: Plastic-Free Rivers and Seas for South Asia

Turning a global crisis into an opportunity to learn, to create, to eco-innovate.


EVENT: Plastic Circularity Innovation Challenge for Bangladesh

The World Bank and PROBLUE are crowdsourcing innovative solutions to address plastic pollution in Bangladesh.