Profile of Development Impact Evaluation (DIME)

Website Name Development Impact Evaluation (DIME)
Website Description This site presents information about Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) housed in the World Bank's Development Research Group (DECRG), to generate high-quality and operationally relevant impact evaluation research to transform development policy.
Website Owner Off of Sr VP Dev Econ/Chief Econ (DECVP)
Business Process Development Research
Original URL,,menuPK:3998281~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435~theSitePK:3998212,00.html
Topic Development Operations & Activities
Language English
Keywords DIME Development Impact Evaluation, World Bank\', Development Research Grou, DECRG, impact evaluations, DIME priority pillar, DIME seminar series, science of delivery, I@I Umbrella Fund
Year Website Created 2013
Date Archived 05/23/2016
Is Website Discontinued? Yes