Profile of Paul Wolfowitz Presidency

Website Name Paul Wolfowitz Presidency
Website Description This site provides an overview of World Bank President’s Paul Wolfowitz tenure highlighting his major contributions to the development of the institution and the challenges he faced.
Website Owner Office of the President (EXC)
Business Process External Affairs
Original URL,,contentMDK:20460198~pagePK:51174171~piPK:64258873~theSitePK:1014541,00.html
Topic Conflict & Development,Development Operations & Activities,Economic Policy,Education,Energy,Financial Sector,Poverty
Language English
Keywords former presidents anti-corruption, bilateral aid, civil society, civil war, corruption, debt relief, development institutions, financial markets, Financial Sector Strategy, globalization, governance, Millennium Development Goals, renewable energy
Year Website Created 2005
Date Archived 10/24/2014
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