Profile of Roma Inclusion and the World Bank

Website Name Roma Inclusion and the World Bank
Website Description This site contains information on the World Bank activities to addresses Roma issues in the context of its work on poverty and economic development in Eastern Europe.
Website Owner Office of the Regional Vice Pres (ECAVP)
Business Process
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Capacity Building/Training
  • Development Research
  • Global Programs and Services
  • Regional Development
  • Trust Funds and Grants
Original URL,,menuPK:615993~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435~theSitePK:615987,00.html
Topic Development Operations & Activities,Gender,Poverty,Social Development
Region Europe and Central Asia
Language English
Keywords World Bank Roma, Eastern Europe, discrimination, segregation, Decade of Roma Inclusion, Roma Education Fund, ethnicity, Roma Household Survey Data, Early Childhood Development and Financial Inclusion
Year Website Created 2012
Date Archived 01/08/2014
Is Website Discontinued? Yes