Profile of Forests & Forestry

Website Name Forests & Forestry
Website Description This site presents information about the Bank's forest strategy, operational policies, programs and services aimed to protect forest resources that are crucial to the World Bank's mission of eradicating poverty because of their contribution to the livelihoods of the poor, the potential they offer for sustainable economic development, and the essential environmental services they provide.
Website Owner Office of the Vice President (SDNVP)
Business Process
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Development Research
  • Global Programs and Services
Original URL,,menuPK:985797~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:985785,00.html
Topic Agriculture & Rural Development,Development Operations & Activities,Environment,Poverty,Rural Development
Language English
Keywords forests forestry, sustainable economic development, forest sector governance, Global Environment Fund,GEF, Program on Forests, PROFOR, forest operational policy, sustainable forest management, SFM, terrestrial biodiversity
Year Website Created 2005
Date Archived 09/10/2013
Is Website Discontinued? Yes