Profile of Indigenous Peoples

Website Name Indigenous Peoples
Website Description The site presents information about World Bank-led world-wide initiatives aimed to promote Indigenous Peoples' development in a manner which ensures that the development process fosters full respect for the dignity, human rights, and uniqueness of Indigenous Peoples.
Website Owner Sustainable Development Network
Business Process
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Capacity Building/Training
  • Development Research
  • Global Programs and Services
Original URL,,menuPK:407808~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:407802,00.html
Topic Conflict & Development,Development Operations & Activities
Language English
Keywords World Bank Sustainable Development Network, SDN, social development, poverty reduction, human rights, social exclusion, forest and climate change, Grants Facility, safeguards policy, UNPFII, Indigenous Peoples
Year Website Created 2005
Date Archived 08/09/2013
Is Website Discontinued? Yes