Profile of About Us

Website Name About Us
Website Description This site presents information about World Bank's history, strategy and the key areas of the Bank's work, focusing on the poorest countries, fragile and conflict-affected states, the Arab world, middle-income countries, global public goods issues, and delivery of knowledge and learning services.
Website Owner Office of the Vice President (ECRVP)
Business Process External Affairs
Original URL,,pagePK:50004410~piPK:36602~theSitePK:29708,00.html
Topic Development Operations & Activities
Language English
Keywords World Bank Group IDA MIGA, IFC, ICSID, Member Countries, Board of Governors, Boards of Directors, Development Committee, Organizational Units, Office of the President, Annual & Spring Meetings, World Bank\'s history, Code of Ethics, Articles of Agreement
Year Website Created 2009
Date Archived 07/03/2013
Is Website Discontinued? Yes