Profile of Europe and Central Asia

Website Name Europe and Central Asia
Website Description This site presents information on the Bank's strategy, country and sector work programs throughout the Europe and Central Asia region, as well as research, data, and economic information on this region.
Website Owner Office of the Regional Vice Pres (ECAVP)
Business Process
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Country Economic and Sector Work
  • Regional Development
  • Sectoral Programs and Services
  • Technical Assistance to Clients
Original URL,,contentMDK:21722062~menuPK:258606~pagePK:146736~piPK:146830~theSitePK:258599,00.html
Topic Conflict & Development,Development Operations & Activities,Economic Policy,Education,Environment,Financial Sector,Governance,Industry,Social Development
Language English
Keywords Europe and Central Asia ECA, economic recovery, Central and Southeastern Europe, CSEE, Reimbursable Advisory Services, RAS, social sector reforms, social safeguard policies, climate change, european integration, justice, migration, Euro area continues
Year Website Created 2011
Date Archived 06/20/2013
Is Website Discontinued? Yes