Profile of Quality Assurance Group (QAG)

Website Name Quality Assurance Group (QAG)
Website Description This site provides information pertaining to the Quality Assurance Group established in 1996 within the Bank’s Office of the Managing Director of Operations, with the express purpose of improving the quality of the Bank's operational work within the broad context of alleviating poverty, and achieving development impacts.
Website Owner Office of the Vice President (OPSVP)
Business Process
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Global Programs and Services
Original URL,,pagePK:109619~theSitePK:109609,00.html
Topic Development Operations & Activities
Language English
Keywords QAG assessment methodology, accountability, World Bank, operational products, Analytic and Advisory Activity Assessments, AAA, lending portfolio, risk management, Annual Report on Portfolio Performance, ARPP, transparency
Year Website Created 2002
Date Archived 05/23/2013
Is Website Discontinued? Yes