Profile of Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean

Website Name Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean
Website Description This site provides information pertaining to the Bank's Poverty and Inequality Group that offers a number of analytical products and services to enhance our understanding on how to reduce poverty and inequality within the Latin America and Caribbean region.
Website Owner LCR Regional Vice President (LCRVP)
Business Process
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Development Research
  • Regional Development
Original URL,,menuPK:841203~pagePK:34004175~piPK:34004435~theSitePK:841175,00.html
Topic Development Operations & Activities,Gender,Poverty
Language English
Keywords Latin America Caribbean, poverty, economic mobility, inequality, poverty reduction strategy, statistical development, development challenges, monitoring
Year Website Created 2009
Date Archived 05/28/2013
Is Website Discontinued? Yes