Profile of Improving Effectiveness & Oucomes for the Poor in Health, Nutrition & Population

Website Name Improving Effectiveness & Oucomes for the Poor in Health, Nutrition & Population
Website Description This site contains information about the efficacy of the Bank Group’s direct support for HNP to developing countries, findings and lessons for three prominent approaches — communicable disease control, health reform, and sector wide approaches (SWAps).
Website Owner IEG Public Sector (IEGPS)
Business Process
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Development Research
  • Health Services
Original URL,,menuPK:4422950~pagePK:64829575~piPK:64829612~theSitePK:4422776,00.html
Topic Health, Nutrition & Population,Industry,Poverty
Language English
Keywords IEG private health, pharmaceutical investments, communicable disease control, HNP, health reforms,country-level support, health systems
Year Website Created 2009
Date Archived 05/22/2013
Is Website Discontinued?