Profile of The Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund

Website Name The Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund
Website Description This site contains information pertaining to the Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund which is a new multi-donor trust fund within the Human Development Network to carry out and support research evaluating the impact of programs to alleviate poverty.
Website Owner Human Development Network
Business Process
  • Aid Coordination
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Capacity Building/Training
  • Development Research
  • Lending Services
Original URL,,menuPK:5485732~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435~theSitePK:5485727,00.html
Topic Development Operations & Activities,Education,Poverty,Social Development,Social Protection
Language English
Keywords Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund SIEF, Human Development Network, health systems, impact evaluation, public expenditure reviews, PERs, human development, multi-donor trust fund, disadvantaged children
Year Website Created 2008
Date Archived 05/22/2013
Is Website Discontinued? Yes