Profile of Rural Electrification

Website Name Rural Electrification
Website Description This site provides information about the IEG analysis of the World Bank work in support of rural electrification that has been claimed to have substantial benefits, promoting production and better health and education.
Website Owner IEG Public Sector (IEGPS)
Business Process
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Country Programs and Services
  • Development Research
  • Independent Evaluation and Quality Assurance
Original URL,,menuPK:4489092~pagePK:64829575~piPK:64829612~theSitePK:4489015,00.html
Topic Development Operations & Activities,Education,Energy,Industry,Poverty,Rural Development
Language English
Keywords IEG World Bank, rural electrification, welfare impact, supply cost, social benefits, consumer goods ownership, industrial development, renewable energy technologies, RETs
Year Website Created 2008
Date Archived 05/07/2013
Is Website Discontinued? Yes