Profile of eGovernment

Website Name eGovernment
Website Description The World Bank's e-Government website, hosted by the e-Government Practice Group of the Information & Communication Technologies Sector Unit. The site is intended as a knowledge repository of e-government related information, best practices and case studies, presented here as a source of ideas and learning.
Website Owner Office of the Vice President (SDNVP)
Business Process
  • Capacity Building/Training
  • Development Research
  • Global Programs and Services
  • Information Services
  • Knowledge and Learning Management
Original URL,,menuPK:702592~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:702586,00.html
Topic Development Operations & Activities,Governance,Industry,Information & Communication Technologies,Science & Technology Development
Language English
Keywords egovernance wide area networks, ICT sector, investment support, cloud computing, opens data initiatives, developing countries, e-Development Thematic Group, mobile computing, IT enabled services industry, broadband connectivity, case studies, toolkits
Year Website Created 2006
Date Archived 02/01/2013
Is Website Discontinued? Yes