Profile of Turkey Country Website

Website Name Turkey Country Website
Website Description This site contains information on World Bank-assisted programs, data, publications and other country specific information pertaining to Turkey.
Website Owner Office of the Regional Vice Pres (ECAVP)
Business Process
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Country Economic and Sector Work
  • Country Programs and Services
  • Development Research
  • Regional Development
  • Technical Assistance to Clients
Original URL,,menuPK:361718~pagePK:141159~piPK:141110~theSitePK:361712,00.html
Topic Development Operations & Activities,Energy,Financial Sector,Gender,Governance,Macroeconomic & Economic Growth,Public Sector Governance,Water Supply & Sanitation
Region Europe and Central Asia
Country Turkey
Language English
Keywords Turkey Country Partnership Strategy, public financial management, private sector, civil society, competitiveness, employment, sustainable development, renewable energy, disaster prevention and mitigation, childhood education, health sector reform
Year Website Created 2004
Date Archived 01/25/2013
Is Website Discontinued? Yes