Profile of Lesotho Country Website

Website Name Lesotho Country Website
Website Description Bank-assisted programs, data, statistics, publications, and other information pertaining to Lesotho.
Website Owner Office of the Regional Vice Pres (AFRVP)
Business Process
  • Country Programs and Services
  • Development Research
  • Financial Services
  • Regional Development
  • Sectoral Programs and Services
  • Technical Assistance to Clients
Original URL,,menuPK:356035~pagePK:141159~piPK:141110~theSitePK:356029,00.html
Topic Agriculture & Rural Development,Development Operations & Activities,Education,Environment,Health, Nutrition & Population,Industry,Transport,Water Resources
Language English
Keywords Lesotho South Africa, CAS, Common Monetary Area,CMA, fiscal consolidation, economic diversification, infrastructure, manufacturing services, disaster relief, flood, water resources export, HIV/AIDS,PMTCT
Year Website Created 2004
Date Archived 09/25/2012
Is Website Discontinued? Yes