Profile of Program for Results Consultations

Website Name Program for Results Consultations
Website Description The Program-for-Results (PforR) is an innovative financing instrument for the World Bank's client countries that links the disbursement of funds directly to the delivery of defined results. This website was used for the public consultations and launch of the new WB financing instrument.
Website Owner Office of the Vice President (OPSVP)
Business Process Global Programs and Services
Original URL,,contentMDK:22748955~pagePK:7321740~piPK:7514729~theSitePK:7514726,00.html
Topic Development Operations & Activities
Language English
Keywords Program-for-Results PforR, financing instrument, disbursement of funds, Anti-Corruption Guidelines, anticorruption oversight, partner countries, transparency, governance, accountability, fiduciary systems, technical expertise, capacity building
Year Website Created 2010
Date Archived 09/19/2012
Is Website Discontinued? Yes