Profile of Suriname Country Website

Website Name Suriname Country Website
Website Description This site contains information on World Bank-assisted programs, data, publications and other information pertaining to Suriname.
Website Owner LCR Regional Vice President (LCRVP)
Business Process
  • Capacity Building/Training
  • Country Economic and Sector Work
  • Country Programs and Services
  • Fiduciary Services
  • Regional Development
  • Sectoral Programs and Services
Original URL,,menuPK:331301~pagePK:141159~piPK:141110~theSitePK:331295,00.html
Topic Development Operations & Activities,Education,Environment,Financial Sector,Industry,Public Sector Governance,Social Development
Region Latin America & Caribbean
Country Suriname
Language English
Year Website Created 2004
Date Archived 05/14/2012
Is Website Discontinued? Yes