Profile of Chile Country Website

Website Name Chile Country Website
Website Description This site contains information on World Bank-assisted programs, data, publications and other information pertaining to Chile.
Website Owner LCR Regional Vice President (LCRVP)
Business Process
  • Country Economic and Sector Work
  • Country Programs and Services
  • Regional Development
Original URL,,menuPK:325279~pagePK:141159~piPK:141110~theSitePK:325273,00.html
Topic Agriculture & Rural Development,Education,Energy,Industry,Poverty,Rural Development,Water Resources
Region Latin America & Caribbean
Country Chile
Language English
Keywords Chile Country Partnership Strategy, CPS, Public Expenditure Management, Tertiary Education Finance for Results, Rural Infrastructure for Territorial Development, biodiversity conservation, renewable energy, hydroelectric projects, Water Resources Managem
Year Website Created 2004
Date Archived 05/14/2012
Is Website Discontinued? Yes