Profile of 1818 Society

Website Name 1818 Society
Website Description The 1818 Society was formed in 1978 as the organization of World Bank Group retirees. The Society has traditionally had two main purposes: facilitating contacts among former staff and acting as a liaison with the Bank on matters of concern to retirees such a pensions and health insurance. The Society also organizes seminars on subjects such as housing alternatives in retirement, estate planning, and long-term health care.
Website Owner Human Development Network
Business Process Human Resource Services
Original URL,,menuPK:444073~pagePK:64156198~piPK:64156209~theSitePK:444067,00.html
Topic Social Development
Language English
Keywords 818 Society retirement, estate planning, long-term health care, pensionable services, housing alternatives, deferred pension
Year Website Created 2004
Date Archived 11/17/2009
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