Profile of Aid Effectiveness Research

Website Name Aid Effectiveness Research
Website Description This web site is devoted to the “Aid and Reform in Africa” research project, which was conducted by the Development Research Group (DEC). The aim of the project was to better understand the links between foreign aid and policy reforms in Africa. The study focused on the causes of reform and analyzed if and how aid has encouraged, generated, influenced, supported, or retarded reforms. The aim was also to analyze the reform processes rather than the results of the reforms. DEC achieved their objectives by undertaking a series of country case studies.
Website Owner Off of Sr VP Dev Econ/Chief Econ (DECVP)
Business Process
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Development Research
Original URL
Topic Development Operations & Activities
Region Africa
Language English
Keywords Africa Aid Reform, Aid Effectiveness, Assessing Aid, Policy Reform
Year Website Created 2001
Date Archived 07/20/2009
Is Website Discontinued? Yes