Profile of MDF: MENA Development Forum

Website Name MDF: MENA Development Forum
Website Description This web site is dedicated to the Fifth MENA Development Forum (MDF5). The program aims to understand the political economy of change and to support reform by empowering agents of change. As part of the program, MDF5 partners lead thematic programs on: judicial and legal reform; local governance reform and community empowerment; institutional reform for private sector development; trade reforms; SMEs, entrepreneurship, corporate governance and the investment climate; and the cross-cutting theme on gender.
Website Owner Office of the Vice President (WBIVP)
Business Process
  • Capacity Building/Training
  • Development Research
  • Regional Development
Original URL
Topic Governance,Private Sector,Social Development
Language English
Keywords MENA Development Forum MDF, MDF5, MENA, Community Empowerment, Institutional Reform, Private Sector Development, Civil Society, Public Policy, Trade Reform, Investment Climate
Year Website Created 2005
Date Archived 06/22/2009
Is Website Discontinued? Yes