Profile of Gemloc: Global Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond Program

Website Name Gemloc: Global Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond Program
Website Description This web site describes the Global Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond Program (Gemloc). Gemloc highlights the innovative way that official and private sector entities can, through independent operations and different comparative advantages, create a virtuous circle between policy reforms and investment flows. Gemloc supports the development of local currency bond markets to increase their investability so that more institutional investment from local and global investors can flow into local currency bond markets in developing countries.
Website Owner Financial and Private Sector Development Network
Business Process
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Financial Services
Original URL,,menuPK:5507076~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435~theSitePK:5507030,00.html
Topic Financial Sector
Language English
Keywords Gemloc Global Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond Program, Currency Bond, Financial Sector Development, Emerging Markets, Investment, Institutional Investment, PIMCO, GEMX
Year Website Created 2009
Date Archived 07/09/2009
Is Website Discontinued? Yes