Profile of 3rd International Conditional Cash Transfers Conference

Website Name 3rd International Conditional Cash Transfers Conference
Website Description This web site pertains to the 3rd International Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT) Conference, which was held in Turkey in 2006. Conditional Cash Transfer programs provide money to poor people conditional on them making investments in their children's human capital such as school attendance or regular use of preventive health care services. The conference was held to discuss best practices for more effective implementation of CCTs. This site has presentations, discussions and outcomes of the conference along with videos.
Website Owner Office of the Vice President (WBIVP)
Business Process Knowledge and Learning Management
Original URL
Topic Financial Sector,Poverty,Social Development
Language English
Keywords International Conditional Cash Transfers Conference Conditional Cash Transfers, CCT, Human Capital, Investment
Year Website Created 2006
Date Archived 06/22/2009
Is Website Discontinued? Yes