Profile of Business and MDGs

Website Name Business and MDGs
Website Description This web site covers the 12th International Business Forum titled Business Engagement for Governance: Business and the Rules of the Game, which was held in October 2007. Leaders from the global business community together with counterparts in government, multilateral agencies and civil society debated the private sector's shifting role from rule-takers to rule-makers. The conference focused on the role private business can and should play in shaping tomorrow's global governance structures, and suggested corresponding adjustments required by the public sector. The conference also addressed private sector action on climate change, corruption, and the Millennium Development Goals.
Website Owner Office of the Vice President (WBIVP)
Business Process Knowledge and Learning Management
Original URL
Topic Governance,Private Sector
Language English
Year Website Created 2007
Date Archived 06/05/2009
Is Website Discontinued? Yes