Profile of HIV/AIDS in South Asia

Website Name HIV/AIDS in South Asia
Website Description This website contains information on the World Bank’s programs and projects aimed at improving and accelerating response of the countries in South Asia to HIV and AIDS. This site also includes the South Asia Region multi sector briefs that provide World Bank staff, clients and partners with easy access to the state of art in mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS in key sectors.
Website Owner Office of the Regional Vice Pres (SARVP)
Business Process
  • Regional Development
  • Sectoral Programs and Services
Original URL,,menuPK:496973~pagePK:34004175~piPK:34004435~theSitePK:496967,00.html
Topic Health Nutrition & Population
Region South Asia
  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
Keywords HIV AIDS, South Asia, disease, epidemic, illiterate, statistics, health, education, disability
Year Website Created 2004
Date Archived 05/12/2009
Is Website Discontinued? Yes