Profile of Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM)

Website Name Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM)
Website Description The website contains information on Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) aimed to facilitate dialogue and cooperation between fifteen European Union member states, the European Commission and ten Asian countries, reform programs and activities agreed upon with the international financial institutions to support the recovery of countries affected by the financial and economic crisis in East Asia.
Website Owner Office of the Regional Vice Pres (EAPVP)
Business Process
  • Aid Coordination
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Trust Funds and Grants
Original URL,,pagePK:64018270~theSitePK:277456,00.html
Topic Financial Sector
Region East Asia and Pacific
Language English
Keywords ASEM Asian Financial Crisis Response Trust Fund, ASEM TF, corporate restructuring, social welfare, safety nets
Year Website Created 2003
Date Archived 05/22/2009
Is Website Discontinued? Yes