Profile of Social Development

Website Name Social Development
Website Description This site contains information on the World Bank social development agenda in ECA region and work of the Social Development Team of ECSSD, which is responsible for providing social assessment as part of project preparation and implementation, Analytical Advisory Activities (AAA), and formulation of strategic documents such as Country Assistance Strategies (CAS), Comprehensive Development Frameworks (CDF), and Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS).
Website Owner Office of the Regional Vice Pres (ECAVP)
Business Process Analytic and Advisory Activities
Original URL
Topic Poverty,Social Development
Region Europe and Central Asia
Language English
Keywords Social development Europe and Central Asia, ECA, social assessment, Analytical Advisory Activities, AAA, Country Assistance Strategies, CAS, Comprehensive Development Frameworks, CDF,Poverty Reduction Strategies, PRS, Community Driven Development , CDD
Year Website Created 2004
Date Archived 08/01/2006
Is Website Discontinued? Yes