Profile of Drylands Management and Combating Desertification

Website Name Drylands Management and Combating Desertification
Website Description The site focuses on the Bank’s work in drylands management and desertification.
Website Owner Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network
Business Process
  • Aid Coordination
  • Analytic and Advisory Activities
  • Asset Management
  • Auditing Activities
  • Business Continuity
  • Capacity Building/Training
  • Conference Services
  • Resource Management and Budget
  • Corporate Legal Services
  • Corporate Management
  • Procurement
  • Corporate Support to Staff Related Activities
  • Country Economic and Sector Work
  • Country Programs and Services
  • Development Research
  • External Affairs
  • Facilities Services
  • Financial Services
  • Food Services
  • Graphics
  • Cartography and Photography
  • Health Services
  • Human Resource Services
  • Information Services
  • Translation and Interpretation Services
  • Lending Services
  • Mail and Shipping Services
  • Pipeline and Portfolio Monitoring
  • Procurement Management for Clients
  • Procurement Services
  • Publishing Services
  • Independent Evaluation and Quality Assurance
  • Global Real Estate Services
  • Regional Development
  • Security Services
  • Special Grants Program Administration
  • Technical Assistance to Clients
  • Technology Services
  • Telecommunications Services
  • Printing and Copying Services
  • Travel Services
  • Treasury Functions
  • Trust Funds and Grants
Original URL
Topic Environment
Subtopic Land Resource Management,Natural Resource Management
Language English
Keywords Drylands DMP, Desertification
Year Website Created 2001
Date Archived 06/08/2006
Is Website Discontinued? Yes