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World Water Day, 2024


Water, so fundamental to life on earth, a source of prosperity but of conflict too, especially in parts of the world where climate change is affecting its distribution and populations are growing fast. As water scarcity intensifies and temperatures climb, using water as a driver of prosperity—and a tool for peace—will become only more important to global stability and sustainable development.

World Water Day 2024 is a chance to highlight the role of transboundary water cooperation in stability and development. Through various initiatives and projects, such as the Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) program, the World Bank has supported the establishment of cooperative mechanisms between countries sharing water resources, thus reducing the potential for conflicts over water resources.

The World Bank is scaling up its support for transboundary water cooperation and has recently established the Global Facility for Transboundary Water Cooperation (GFTWC). By leveraging expertise, financial resources, and convening power, we will increase our work to facilitate dialogue, promote cooperation, and catalyze investments in shared water resources, ultimately contributing to lasting peace and development.

Building Peace through Water Cooperation

March 22, 11:00am - 7:30pm CET


Location: UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France

Language(s): French, Spanish, English

Intervention by Saroj Kumar Jha | Global Director, Water Global Practice at 14:05 – 14:50 CET

Live webcast



Unity in Rescue: Transboundary Water Cooperation in the Balkans

Working together for better flood management in the Sava River Basin

Irrigated agriculture in the Sahel: Simple and affordable technologies that help small-scale farmers

Bridging borders for water security: The power of transboundary cooperation

Papua New Guinea: Access to clean water improving opportunities for women and girls

logos for World Water Day

The Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership, a multi-donor trust fund, helps countries build capacity and strengthen the institutions and infrastructure they need to supply current and future generations with sufficient water, food, and energy. And the 2030 Water Resources Group, a public, private, and civil society partnership, is establishing a global task force to finance the water sector, with a focus on building resilient utilities, using new technologies for better water management, and making service delivery more efficient and adaptable. Their efforts advance the World Bank Water Global Practice's committement to increasing access to water for people and planet.