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BRIEFFebruary 24, 2024

The Western Balkans Project


The Western Balkans Project (WBP) is a holistic regional program to (i) generate scenarios for sector dialogue; (ii) develop support mechanisms to improve performance of water and sanitation utilities, and (iii) provide guidance, mentoring, capacity building to utilities through knowledge, innovation and collaboration initiatives. The WBP will be developed from 2024 to 2029, covering Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.

Western Balkans Project Scope

1. Sector Policy, Institution and Regulation analysis (PIR)

Analysis of policy, institutions and regulation to have a broad understanding of the water and sanitation sector at country and regional levels, identify potential and realistic reform options, and define a concerted sector roadmap with key institutions and stakeholders to strengthen the water and sanitation sector. Main activities to be developed during 2024 include:

  • Water and sanitation sector diagnostic assessment
  • Identification and analysis of potential sector reform options
  • Development roadmap sector reform
  • Policy dialogues and validation workshops
  • Country and regional report

2. Strengthening program for water and sanitation utilities

The WBP will support the transformation process in up to 30 utilities in the region starting with an in-depth diagnostic analysis, short term improvement, long-term strategic plan, and 1-year mentoring and change management program. The WBP has initiated the support of a first group of 15 utilities in 2024. Main activities are:

Implementation Utility of the Future Program (UoF)

  • Utility assessment: Guided analysis with the utility staff to evaluate current performance and identify potential room for improvement.
  • Definition 100-day action plan: design with the utility staff a short-term action plan.
  • Implementation 100-day action plan: Supported implementation of the short-term action plan. 
  • Identification process optimization opportunities: Support the identification of main processes to be optimize in each utility, as well as identify major costs reduction opportunities.
  • Five-year strategic framework: Development with the utility staff the new strategic framework.

One-Year Mentoring and Change Management Program:

  • Business planning and strategy: Guidance to setting-up and/or strengthening the planning process within the utility.
  • Specialized advice: Technical advice on specific process and change management needs tailored to the priorities of each utility. 

3. In-depth Capacity Building

The WBP will provide additional technical support to up to 10 selected by a committee based on the level of commitment and performance improvement of the utilities during the implementation of the Utility of the Future Program. The WBP will support 3 to 5 utilities out of the first group of 15 utilities. Main activities to support  are:

  • Business and Investment Plan: Guidance to develop a business and investment 5-year plan.
  • Prefeasibility studies: Guidance and technical inputs to develop up to two prefeasibility studies for key infrastructure project identified in the business and investment plan.

4. Implementation Improvement Project

The WBP will provide financial support up to $500k to the 10 selected utilities. The WBP will support 3 to 5 utilities out of the first group of 15 utilities. Main activities to support  are:

  • Technical specification for improvement projects: Guide selected utilities in the development of terms of reference / technical specifications for the improvement project. The scope of each improvement project will be identified during the implementation of the UoF Program.
  • Improvement project implementation: Support for the implementation of the selected improvement project.
  • Monitoring and support during project implementation: Guidance and follow-up during the implementation of the selected improvement project.

5. Cross-cutting Activities

The WBP will develop cross-cutting activities at country or regional level, such as: knowledge activities, innovation pilots, young professional initiatives, (iv) community building, (v) sector dialogues, among others.
