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Can Tho, Vietnam: Enhancing Urban Resilience

Photo: The World Bank

Xem bản Tiếng Việt
November 24, 2014

The World Bank and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) conducted a CityStrength Diagnostic in Can Tho, Vietnam in June 2014 at the request of the city. A team of specialists from the World Bank Group worked with local officials, technical staff, and stakeholders to identify priorities for investment and appropriate areas for action to help build resilience in Can Tho.  

The Diagnostic found that Can Tho can address the two primary threats to its socio-economic development goals—flooding and uncontrolled urbanization—by more proactively guiding urban growth to areas with lower flood risk, including the higher elevation areas near the heart of the city.

The following actions and investments could have a transformational impact on the resilience of the city as a collection of initiatives implemented by Can Tho with more effectively coordinated support from development partners.  

Priority actions include:

  • Strengthen institutional capacity and legislative frameworks for an effective, integrated flood risk management approach.
  • Enhance the collection, sharing, and use of data on public assets, buildings, population, and risks.
  • Improve the analysis of climate impacts in Can Tho by introducing standardized damage and loss assessment procedures that will enable local officials to quantify the impact of flooding on the local economy and budget.
  • Strengthen financial management to enhance the sustainability of infrastructure investments and strengthen capital investment planning to facilitate better prioritization, monitoring, and achievement of economic development goals.

 Priority investments include:

  •  Focus on implementing flood protection measures in the urban core to make it a more attractive and safe place to live and do business.
  • Use transport investments to guide urban growth to higher elevation areas and meet the needs of a modernizing city.
  • Invest in sanitation to protect public health and support the economic base of the city.
  • Continue to focus on urban upgrading as a means of addressing encroachment on drainage canals and targeting support to poor and vulnerable groups in the city.

 The CityStrength Diagnostic is informing follow-on activities in Can Tho. The Bank is preparing a new urban resilience project, an open data initiative, and a study of logistics and the role of Can Tho in the regional economy. 


Series: City Strength – Resilient Cities Program
