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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Response


COVID-19 is threatening cities and communities across the globe in an unprecedented way, impacting not only public health but also the economy and social fabric.

The global pandemic poses a great challenge to dense urban areas in the world, especially those with poor infrastructure and service delivery systems. Besides its impact on public health, the COVID-19 epidemic is generating multifaceted, and likely prolonged economic impacts, ranging from disrupted global supply chains to bankrupted small businesses, with significant job losses and impacts on livelihoods of people everywhere, and especially informal sector workers and those with irregular earnings and unstable jobs that have fewer safety nets to weather the crisis.


Report: From COVID-19 Crisis Response to Resilient Recovery - Saving Lives and Livelihoods while Supporting Green, Resilient and Inclusive Development (GRID)

Report: Results-Based Financing Through Social Enterprises : A White Paper for the Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches, in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Impact and response of the Moroccan municipalities in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

Urban and Disaster Risk Management Responses to COVID-19

COVID-19 and the Urban Poor: Addressing those in slums

Global Responses to COVID 19 in slums and cities: Practices from around the world

COVID-19: Safeguarding Lives and Livelihoods - A Checklist Guide for Local Governments (AFR) [English] [French]

COVID-19: Safeguarding Lives and Livelihoods - A Checklist Guide for Local Governments (EAP) [English]

Cities, crowding, and the coronavirus: Predicting contagion risk hotspots

COVID-19 and Slums - WBG Latin America and the Caribbean: A Multisectoral Approach


Six reasons why demography matters during the pandemic | JULY 11, 2020

Poor people respond differently to stay-at-home orders. Here’s what the data says | JUNE 23, 2020

How geospatial investments could support Kosovo’s COVID-19 response and recovery | JUNE 22, 2020

No Urban Myth: Building Inclusive and Sustainable Cities in the Pandemic Recovery | JUNE 18, 2020

Yes, cities will survive COVID-19. But they must manage their economic geography | JUNE 18, 2020

The reason billions can’t safely shelter at home? Housing | June 10, 2020

The role of geospatial information in confronting COVID-19 – Learning from Korea | May 18, 2020

Building safer and more resilient cities in the Philippines | May 14, 2020

Cities are on the front lines of COVID-19 | May 12, 2020

How COVID-19 puts women’s housing, land, and property rights at risk | May 05, 2020

Building a safer, healthier, more resilient Malawi | May 05, 2020

Nighttime lights are revolutionizing the way we understand COVID-19 and our world | May 04, 2020

COVID-19: Testing for all or testing for some? A town’s key lesson in testing everyone for coronavirus |April 29, 2020

A functional city’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic | April 27, 2020

Cities, crowding, and the coronavirus: Predicting contagion risk hotspots | April 23, 2020

Urban Density Is Not an Enemy in the Coronavirus Fight: Evidence from China | April 20, 2020

Waste workers are protecting our communities during COVID-19 | April 09, 2020

Preparedness can pay off quickly: Disaster financing and COVID-19 | April 07, 2020

Thinking ahead: For a sustainable recovery from COVID-19 (Coronavirus) | March 30, 2020


Coronavirus Speaker Series: Sharing Knowledge to Respond with Resilience

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Media Inquiries

Washington, D.C.
Laura Ivers
Washington, D.C.
Melina Fleury