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Road Safety Management Capacity Review Guidelines


Accelerated knowledge transfer aligned with scaled-up road safety investment will be central to overcoming country capacity weaknesses and achieving the ambitious Decade of Action goal to save five million lives and avoid 50 million serious injuries by 2020. The World Bank’s Road Safety Management Capacity Review and Safe System Project Guidelines support the identification and preparation of road safety investment strategies and implementation projects in low and middle-income countries. The Guidelines and streamlined approach specify proven, pragmatic tools to help overcome capacity weaknesses and contribute to improved road safety results.

The Road Safety Management Capacity Reviews and Safe System Projects Guidelines have been designed to assist country road safety professionals, World Bank and regional development bank staff, international consultants, community groups, private sector organizations, and all other global, regional and country partners and stakeholders to conduct capacity reviews and prepare follow-up road safety projects in a variety of low and middle-income countries and investment settings.

The purpose of the Guidelines is to:

  • Specify a management and investment framework to overcome institutional capacity barriers and support the successful implementation of road safety interventions;
  • Provide practical procedures designed for application at a country level to accelerate knowledge transfer and sustainably scale up investment to improve road safety results;
  • Ensure that institutional strengthening initiatives are properly sequenced and adjusted to the absorptive and learning capacity of the country concerned.

The Guidelines emphasize managing for results and the associated strengthening of country road safety management systems, with special attention being paid to the role of the lead road safety agency in ensuring institutional effectiveness and efficiency in program delivery. They highlight the importance of addressing all elements of the road safety management system, taking a staged approach to country road safety investment, and targeting the highest concentrations of deaths and injuries across the road network.

GRSF is a global partnership established in 2006 to provide the funding, knowledge, and technical assistance for road safety projects.
Learn more.
