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Public Sector Performance

December 30, 2014


A pineapple farmer (left) and an organizer from a producers' alliance (right) in the village of San Nicolas near Santader, Valle de Cauca, Colombia. 

Photo: © Charlotte Kesl / World Bank

In budget formulation and program planning, a performance orientation rests on the robust use of performance monitoring and evaluation information at key decision points, combined with a budget structure in which the costs and benefits of major programs can be identified.

In budget execution and program implementation, a performance orientation has been associated with a range of tools for using performance information in managing money, people and organizations, in employing alternative service delivery mechanisms, and in demand-side reforms - institutional and individual.

Public sector performance is about results and impact:

  • A performance orientation in the public sector means that achievements matter, as well as probity and economy and that managers or agencies should pursue defined standards.
  • Performance in public service delivery means that public sector outputs efficiently contribute to policy objectives.
  • Performance measurements focus on outcomes and outputs, not merely inputs.

Global Expert Team:

The Public Sector Performance Global Expert Team consists of a group of World Bank Experts on issues ranging from performance pay to tools designed to enhance performance in planning, Monitoring & Evaluation and budgeting. The team functions as a knowledge center and consulting service, serving internal and external clients directly, and also as the technical leader shaping the Bank’s strategic position in public sector performance.

The strategic objective of the World Bank's Public Sector Performance (PSP) Global Expert Team (GET) is to assist public sectors in improving public sector performance. Engagements with clients focus on the design and implementation of politically-feasible strategies that can lead to visible performance improvements within a meaningful timescale in response to specific client requests.

The outcomes we contribute to are:

  • (Re)building confidence in the state through performance improvements;
  • Improving the impact of public spending;
  • Enhancing service delivery;
  • Supporting governments in meeting their national objectives, including Millenium Development Goals.

Our team of leading experts will work with you to improve the performance of public sectors across client countries. Our rapid engagement style is tailored to support client's unique performance challenges.

In Eastern Europe, the team assisted in developing the methodology for the Functional Review exercise for the center of government and line ministries with the aim to improve processes and service delivery.

In East Asia, the GET undertook an assessment of a central Government’s approach to results based management in an effort to streamline tools and reporting requirements.

In Asia, a Performance Budgeting workshop was held with key actors to discuss challenges and present international experiences.

In Africa, the GET helped develop delivery chains for two priority program areas: food production and job creation.

In Latin America, the GET presented on the use of public sector boards to improve management and more generally how to improve public sector performance.
