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Public Finance

January 5, 2015


Photo: Tom Perry / World Bank

The World Bank Group works with governments to enhance the management of public resources in pursuit of growth, development, and poverty reduction, while aiming to strengthen transparency and accountability.

The Public Expenditure & Financial Accountability (PEFA) was founded in December 2001 as a multi-donor partnership between seven donor agencies and international financial institutions to assess the condition of country public expenditure, procurement and financial accountability systems and develop a practical sequence for reform and capacity-building actions.  A Steering Committee comprising these agencies manages the Program, while the Secretariat implements the PEFA activities. The partnership includes the World Bank, the European Commission, the IMF, and the governments of France, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

BOOST strengthens public expenditure policy outcomes and accountability by improving the quality of expenditure data, facilitating rigorous expenditure analysis and improving fiscal transparency. BOOST draws detailed government expenditure data from government financial management information systems and creates easy-to-use databases. Expenditure data can be combined with information on public institutions, service delivery and households to allow assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending. The ease of access and preparation of analytical reports supports decision-making for the purposes of planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation.

The Public Expenditure Reviews (PERs) explore how national authorities can use public spending to address development challenges and achieve their policy goals. PERs typically examine the sustainability of public expenditure, the alignment between expenditure allocations and policy objectives and the means by which the authorities can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending.

Our Public Finance experts include: Nicola Smithers, Jay-Hyung Kim, Munawer Sultan Khwaja, Cem Dener, Jonas Frank.

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