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BRIEF April 10, 2020

Gender and COVID-19 (Coronavirus)


Countries around the world are working to contain the spread and impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Evidence from outbreaks similar to COVID-19 indicates that women and girls can be affected in particular ways, and in some areas, face more negative impacts than men. In fact, there is a risk that gender gaps could widen during and after the pandemic and that gains in women’s and girls’ accumulation of human capital, economic empowerment and voice and agency, built over the past decades, could be reversed.  The World Bank Group is working to ensure that projects responding to COVID-19 consider the pandemic's different impacts on men and women.

Gender Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic: This note summarizes different ways that COVID-19 and the accompanying economic crisis may affect gender equality outcomes and provides recommendations for action.

Guidance for Health COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Response Projects: This note was created by the World Bank’s Gender Group to provide guidance for World Bank teams on how client countries can respond to the different needs of men and women, with respect to health projects.

Childcare in the COVID-19 Era: A Guide for Employers: This IFC note outlines ways in which employers can support the care and family needs of their employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Supporting Women Throughout the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Response and Economic Recovery: This brief highlights evidence from the Africa gender innovation lab that can help protect the lives and livelihoods of women and girls.

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Last Updated: Dec 18, 2020