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Credit Reporting

October 5, 2015

Credit reporting systems form a critical component of Credit Infrastructure and are comprised of the institutions, rules, procedures, standards and technologies that enable the exchange of credit and other relevant information. Effective credit reporting systems contribute to expanding responsible access to credit to a significant number of individuals and firms, while also supporting financial regulators in supervising regulated institutions in order to ensure that the systems remain safe and sound, minimizing systemic risk.


At their core, credit reporting systems consist of databases of information on debtors together with the institutional, technological and legal framework supporting the efficient functioning of such databases. The information stored in these systems can relate to individuals and/or businesses. Credit reporting systems can be classified into three main types of networks: Credit Registry, Credit Bureau and Commercial Credit Reporting Companies. All of these databases require sophisticated data analytics enabling users to make informed decisions based on identification of patterns, correlations and trends.

What We Do

The Credit Reporting Systems team uses international standards to assist governments and other stakeholders in establishing and/or reforming their credit reporting systems to enable the flow of reliable credit related information in a safe and efficient manner. This is accomplished with a view to two broad policy objectives: fostering responsible access to finance and contributing to financial stability.

Technical Assistance

The World Bank Group emphasizes building the capacity of service providers, authorities and users to develop and improve credit reporting systems and, ultimately, make them more efficient, safe and reliable.

This holistic approach includes working with governments and all other stakeholders to devise a national strategy for CRS, develop infrastructure, establish legal and regulatory frameworks, and the role of authorities in the CRS, and improve consumer awareness and protection frameworks.

Additional areas of focus include improving availability of digital data from relevant sources to support financial inclusion, financial sector supervision and regulation and competition in the credit market, while ensuring the safety and efficiency of the CRS. 

Research and Knowledge

Along with our partners and experts from various public and private sector institutions, we disseminate knowledge and conduct research in areas related to credit reporting including consumer protection, data protection, financial inclusion, financial supervision, innovative decision analytics and digital finance. Research and knowledge include:

  • Conducting training for authorities and credit reporting systems participants;
  • Organizing global and regional credit reporting systems conferences, workshops and seminars;
  • Monitoring the status of credit reporting systems environment in over 180 countries worldwide;
  • Developing guidelines on specific aspects of credit reporting systems;
  • Conducting assessments, surveys and research on credit reporting systems;
  • Facilitating knowledge exchanges between authorities and industry representatives;
  • Exploring synergies with other areas of credit infrastructure including secured transactions, insolvency and creditors rights and payment systems.

Research and Publications

Other relevant publications

The Credit Reporting engagements and interventions have been made possible with the financial support from World Bank Group’s donors, including governments of Australia, Austria, Canada, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom, as well as other non-governmental entities such as Omidyar Network and Visa International, among others.


Mahesh Uttamchandani

Practice Manager for Digital Development in East Asia & the Pacific (EAP)

Fabrizio Fraboni

Lead Financial Sector Specialist


Fredes Montes

Senior Financial Specialist

